On Unix-like systems, most of us use shell to do much of daily tasks, and we use terminal to issue commands.
These terminals may be from a Unix system such as gnome-terminal, Konsol or througt MS-WINDOWS such as butty or F-Secure.
This article is to enhance your productivity while using termianl by providing you with shourtcuts to access some features, and here's these shortcuts:
CTRL+c : close the current line and moves you to the start of the prompt.
CTRL+a : moves you to the start of the current line
CTRL+e : moves you to the end of the current line
CTRL+d : delete the character under cursor
CTRL+r : allows you to search history for a command while typing
CTRL+j : the same as pressing the Enter key
CTRL+k : delete text until the end of the line
CTRL+l : equals issuing the 'clear' command
CTRL+z : suspend the current job
CTRL+w : removes words from the screen and history as well
CTRL+INSERT : copy the selected text
SHIFT+INSERT : paste the copied
ESC+backspace : remove characters starting from the character under the cursor backword until first space character
ESC+d : remove characters starting from the character under the cursor forward to the first space character
ESC+l : jumps your cursor forward to the first space character
ESC+b : jumps your cursor back to the first space character
please if any knows more, put in the comment.
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Great Post, this will come in handy, thanks pal :)
your are welcome :)
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